The goal of this site is to find as many kinds of mac n' cheese as possible and try them so you don't have to! Stove-top, frozen, quick prepare (just add water), home made and anything served in a restaurant are all fair game! If it's name has macaroni n' cheese in it, I'm trying it.

My hope is that this blog will help you discover new varieties to try (and to avoid) or that killer home made recipe that is worth the work to make yourself.

When I'm not collecting video games, I'm eatin' mac n' cheese. Thanks for following me on this journey as I see what it takes to make me bleed cheese.

Friday, June 15, 2012

This Is Why My Friends Rock

I've got a friend, we'll call him Portobo.  Port is a food scientist.  He makes things taste like other things, or things taste delicious.  He sent me this in the mail today.

Chef Port's Magic Cheese Powder!

I think we could use some more cheese in this

This can only be described as a food stuffs of the gods and that any mac that receives a kiss of this will immediately become an empty bowl meal.

Thank you Port!

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