The goal of this site is to find as many kinds of mac n' cheese as possible and try them so you don't have to! Stove-top, frozen, quick prepare (just add water), home made and anything served in a restaurant are all fair game! If it's name has macaroni n' cheese in it, I'm trying it.

My hope is that this blog will help you discover new varieties to try (and to avoid) or that killer home made recipe that is worth the work to make yourself.

When I'm not collecting video games, I'm eatin' mac n' cheese. Thanks for following me on this journey as I see what it takes to make me bleed cheese.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Mother Approved, But Kid Tested?

I've reviewed a number meals marketed for/to kids.  So far, meals made by mom, promoted by Elmo and ones that have include brownies haven't really been something that any kid should be eating (based on taste alone and not even factoring in 'nutritional value').  In yet another regular walk through the frozen section of the local grocery store I saw that a new line of meals had appeared, aimed at kids.  There were only three options, all of which were pasta dishes but one was a mac. Another instant purchase as I tossed it into the basket handles my arms were wrapped around.

I didn't look at the packaging beyond the picture on the front, as I really didn't want to know about hidden veggies or anything else that may make me skew my opinion before I put this up against any other kids macs I've already reviewed.  So I just tossed it in the freezer and did my best to ignore it until it was time to heat it up.

They had a customer, I just needed to find a good time to eat and review the darn thing, which thanks to it being freezer ready was just a week or two later.

The Review

Kidfresh Wagon Wheels Mac + Cheese

Packed with goodness AND hidden stuff. Oh boy!